Monday, 20 September 2021

Creedence Clearwater Revival (Tommy Fogerty and the Blue Velvets) - Oh My Love (1962 EP)

 What it seems a lot of people don't know about CCR is that their debut album came out only after ten years of being a group, with a long line of singles behind them, dating back all the way to 1962, back when they were led by Tom Fogerty, rather than John. 

When they were 'Tommy Fogerty and The Blue Velvets', they only put out three singles, so that's what this EP is. After these, they were breifly called 'The Visions', before switching to 'The Golliwogs' from 1964-1967, before switching their name to 'Creedence Clearwater Revival, almost immidiately becoming a popular group.

Side One (6:24)

  1. Come On, Baby
  2. Oh, My Love
  3. Have You Ever Been Lonely?

Side Two (5:54)

  1. Bonita 
  2. Yes You Did
  3. Now You're Not Mine

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